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Limit manual handling to only filling the sample tray, using prefilled reagent strips or plates, and automatically isolate samples between 1 to 16 in parallel. The user-friendly integrated 10-inch tablet with IPextract software makes the InnuPure C16 Touch a relief to work with. The system automatically suggests the extraction protocol and parameters depending on the sample preparation kit.

The InnuPure C16 touch eliminates the risk of cross-contamination using pipette tips with an aerosol filter protecting the dispensing sample and automatically opening the reagent cartridges with the integrated piercing method. For ultimate sample protection, the optional UV lamp decontaminates the sample chamber. The system offers intelligent multifunctional heating and magnetism to support the automated process adequately.

Easy prefilled reagent strips and plates simplify handling. The integrated pipetting unit guarantees desired elution volumes of 20 and 500 µL in 10 µL. The final step transfers the isolated nucleic acids to storage tubes with lids. The barcode-marked extraction kits contain all relevant information for automated system integration and data registration.
"We have been using the InnuPure C16 for a great variety of samples, and we can confirm consistently high isolation rates of DNA. The device has proven to be robust, even in continuous operation". Dr. Dirk Vollenbroich CEO of Minerva Biolabs GmbH