Support chat
All those websites offering chats that turn out to be bots... frustrating?
The people you chat with are Noël, Shivani and Vincent. They will go the extra mile to deliver the support you need. Noël has joined our sidekick team in April of this year. He is a real all-rounder at Westburg's customer service. With broad experience in the field of customer service, business economics and leadership. Contact Mark with questions about your order status, delivery times or specific product information
Vincent is a former academic scientist and researcher. An enthusiastic biomedical (PhD) with a passion for technological advancement. He has a strong molecular biology and celular life sciences background and a sharp mind with which he tackles any task. 'My PhD has given me the opportunity to gather a deep understanding of many genetic assays including Next Gen Sequencing, and CRISPR.' Contact Vincent if you have any question or difficulty at your laboratory and he will ensure that a suitable solution is found. As well on all your application related questions.We make sure you are in good hands with our support team. Feel free to chat with us any time you want by entering your message in the chatbox in the lower right corner.
About the speaker 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nec nibh sed sem mattis malesuada. Aenean lobortis vulputate massa sit amet pellentesque. Duis quam sapien, fermentum nec porta vitae, laoreet sed nunc. Suspendisse scelerisque arcu eu molestie
mattis. Ut ornare sit amet ante viverra luctus. Integer eleifend sollicitudin purus, eget suscipit massa blandit in. Fusce neque tortor, laoreet vel justo vitae, mollis dignissim ex. Morbi quis ultrices nulla, eget accumsan augue. Sed ut lacus vitae velit tincidunt mollis ac eu sapien. Phasellus ullamcorper est quis massa pharetra, sit amet molestie mi molestie. Etiam laoreet, leo ac tincidunt commodo, elit eros eleifend nisi, sit amet convallis nulla libero id lacus. Vivamus facilisis gravida varius. Praesent efficitur venenatis augue et efficitur.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nec nibh sed sem mattis malesuada. Aenean lobortis vulputate massa sit amet pellentesque. Duis quam sapien, fermentum nec porta vitae, laoreet sed nunc.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nec nibh sed sem mattis malesuada. Aenean lobortis vulputate massa sit amet pellentesque.