Learn more about this product The non-pTAU ELISA is an enzyme immunoassay intended for the quantitative determination of a tau fraction without (w/o) phosphor at T175/T181 in human CSF for supporting diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The development of the Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by three stages, as defined by the US National Institute on Aging workgroups:
1. a preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s Disease,
2. the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) stage due to AD and
3. dementia stage due to AD.
Tau w/o phosphor T175/T181 in CSF shows at least comparable diagnostic specificity and sensitivity to other diagnostic available tests for Alzheimer’s disease.
3.5h protocol; 50 µl CSF required
Cut-Off: 78 pg/ml (each laboratory must establish its own Cut-Off values)
Analytical Sensitivity (Limit of detection): 12 pg/ml (Mean signal negative control (blank) + 3xSD)
Clinical Sensitivity: 95% (AD/MCI patients: n=58, Controls: n=42)
Clinical Specifity: 98% (AD/MCI patients: n=58, Controls: n=42)
Area under ROC-curve (AUC): 97.4%