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biotechrabbit™ 2X Multiplex PCR Master Mix is well-suited for endpoint multiplex PCR. The unique buffer composition is optimized for robust simultaneous amplification of 10 or more targets from 50 bp – 2 kb in a single reaction.
The Master Mix contains pure biotechrabbit™ Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase, optimized PCR buffer, and extremely high-quality dNTPs. Thus, only template, PCR-grade water, and PCR primers have to be added. The enhancers included in the mix enable efficient amplification of low-abundant or GC-rich templates.
Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase is inactive during reaction setup due to the bound antibody, which is quickly released at elevated temperatures. This ensures that the enzyme is only active during PCR. There is no need for prolonged heating or denaturation steps. The hot start minimizes primer–dimers and mispriming.