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In vivo-jetRNA®+ of Polyplus is the preferred reagent for delivering mRNA to various organs. It has intrinsic properties that make it effective: in vivo-jetRNA®+ shields its payload against ubiquitous endonucleases, prevents non-specific interactions with proteins, and promotes efficient cell entry.

The reagent can also encapsulate 100% of the mRNA available, leading to an efficient gene expression comparable to Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), currently used as the gold standard for non-viral delivery. However, optimal formulation of LNPs takes months of work, specialized equipment, consumables, and expertise. With in vivo-jetRNA®+, there is no need to spend time and budget on formulation, as it is a ready-to-use optimized formulation with a simple protocol.

The mRNA/in vivo-jetRNA®+ liposomal solution is prepared in only two steps and can be injected into the animal within 15 minutes. Additionally, it does not require any formulation equipment. The Scientific Support team of Polyplus is happy to provide protocols tailored to your needs. In vivo-jetRNA®+ also excels in stability when it is formulated with mRNA. The mRNA/in vivo-jetRNA®+ liposomes retain their transfection efficiency for four weeks when stored at 4 °C and for 72 hours when stored at RT. Moreover, in vivo-jetRNA®+ shows a stable liposome size at low or high mRNA concentrations.

The choice of route of administration results in a different biodistribution of the mRNA. For example, administering mRNA/in vivo-jetRNA®+ liposomes by intraperitoneal injection results in gene expression in many organs, including the spleen and lymph nodes, which play a significant role in the immune response.

In contrast, intramuscular injection induces more localized mRNA expression. In vivo-jetRNA®+ can be administered systemically or locally, allowing you to modulate biodistribution according to your needs and objectives. Using in vivo-jetRNA®+ does not induce side effects after injection, with all animals remaining healthy and pain-free.

Moreover, the organ(s) of interest remain phenotypically intact, and no tissue damage is observed, regardless of the route of administration. Furthermore, using in vivo-jetRNA®+ does not trigger the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. As a non-viral delivery reagent, in vivo-jetRNA®+ has several advantages over conventional vaccine approaches: it is safer for recipients, faster and cheaper to produce, and has excellent potential to address many unmet medical needs.